There are many things needed to be successful. In fact, there are way too many to list. Each area of success has its own needs and focus.
There is however, one thing needed above all others, because it is what leads to everything. No matter what you do, if you do not have this one thing, you cannot succeed. What am I talking about? A deep driven desire to succeed. I have known many talented people that had everything needed to succeed - except desire. They lacked the drive to reach their goal. The talked a good game and would tell you what they wanted and how they were going to get it. And, in a lot of cases, they had the potential to get it - but when it really mattered, they were not driven enough to do what it took to make their goals reality. There is a lot of debate on whether people are just naturally driven or just "don't have it." I don't believe it is a "have or don't have" scenario. No matter who you are, in some area of your life, you are driven. You may be deeply driven as a fan for a favorite sports team or maybe a huge movie buff and have to see the midnight release of new movies. Whatever the area is in your life, you have a driven desire for it. It just may not be in the area of success. If you are someone who lacks the drive to succeed (deep down only you know the truth), is it possible for you to get that drive? I believe you can. I believe that if you can recognize where you are already driven in your life and what it feels like to have that passion, you can transfer that same drive and passion to your success. It is simple association. If you can associate those same feelings with when you reach success and a goal, then it will become a reality for you. It will not be easy, but it is possible. If you are someone who knows you are destined for more, but cannot escape the inertia keeping you in the same rut of life, you can use the above technique to shock the system and get going. And once you are going, don't stop. Momentum is a very powerful thing and you can use it to your advantage. Keep feeding it and it will compound. Here's to manifesting the driven desire to succeed in your life!
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