I came across a great pot by Matt Gray @matt_gray_ on the 7 core systems he uses that have generated over $8 million in revenue. It's worth a read through. Check it out below!
There is something that every entrepreneur has at some point or on a regular basis that affects their ability to succeed. This thing can completely paralyze an entrepreneur, consume them, and keep them stuck until they overcome it.
What am I talking about? Worry. It's been said that worry is the interest you pay on debts you may never owe. Do you every find that when it comes to worry? How much precious time and emotion have been wasted on worrying about things that never transpire. How many opportunities are missed or actions delayed due to this success killer? Worrying is a part of the human condition, so it is not something that we won't have happen in our lives, but we must not let it take over and keep us from reaching out potential. We must see worry for what it is - being scared of something that could happen. And in times of worry, we must utilize logic to recognize worry for what it is, but also accept the reality that we are in or that could be if the worry came to fruition, and then decide what actions we will take to prevent or keep going in spite of it. There was a research study done year ago where they placed a mouse in a cage. At another location within the mouse’s sight, they placed a cat in a cage. The cat had no contact with the mouse: their cages weren’t close together, the cat never escaped from its cage, and the cat never had an opportunity to threaten the mouse. But the cat was in the same room, and the mouse knew it. The mouse kept its eyes on the cat all the time. Six to twelve months of testing revealed the mouse had developed very high blood pressure. Nothing had happened to it. Its life had never been in jeopardy. But worry almost killed it. So many of us are like that mouse, seeing potential danger and borrowing trouble that may never come. Do NOT be the mouse. Be true to yourself, have faith in your ability and capability, look for the opportunity, and act in spite of your worry or fear,
It's been a little while since I have read Viktor Frankl's "Man's Search for Meaning." It is truly a book everyone should read and have in their library. I came across a great X thread the other day from @MnkeDaniel who did an awesome job sharing some of the best quotes and thoughts from the book. It should spur your thinking...
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