As we get into the end of the year and the holidays, I think we all welcome some real downtime. A break from it all. A break from the pandemic, a break from the rigorous day to day to keep business going, and a break from social media, the news - the bombardment of life.
This year will offer us a good opportunity to take that break, even if it is for just a few days or so. And when that time comes, it's always nice to lose yourself in a good book. With that said, here are 3 of my favorites to enjoy during your break. Top Fiction Book I have really enjoyed delving into the James Rollins Sigma Force series of books this year. If I had to describe them, they are part Indiana Jones, part Jason born. And they are also "faction," and this is what I love most about James - he meticulously researches to find truth from history and science and builds an awesome story around it. I am always amazed at how much of the things in his books are true. So, not only are the stories/adventures page turners, I get to learn things as well. His latest book is called the Last Odyssey and is the book I started with before going back and starting the series from the beginning. The nice thing about the Last Odyssey is that you don't need to read the series to understand what is going on, so it is a great place to start. But, if you want to start from the first book, pick up Sandstorm. The "opening scene" of the book is awesome. Top Non-Fiction Book My top non-fiction book for the year is The Volunteer by Jack Fairweather. It is about the man who volunteered to go into the Auschwitz death camp and bring it down from the inside. I have mentioned this book before, not just because of how amazing the story is and how well written the book is, but because of what you will learn about what really happened in the Nazi death camps and get a healthy dose of reality and lessons for life. This book is not for the faint of heart, but is a must read. Top Book to Make You Think My top book for making your thinking and looking at society in a different way is The Parasitic Mind by Gad Saad. I admit, I recently started this book, but it is already incredible. It is all about how easily common sense can be destroyed by "idea pathogens" in our live and what we can do about it. It really helps you to better understand reason and become a better independent thinker. Dr. Gad Saad is one of the top behavioral science and marketing thinkers of our time.
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![]() Anything can be learned. I'm serious. Anything.
If you want to be a rocket scientist, you can learn to be one. If you want to learn how to pilot a plane, you can learn how. If you want to learn how to be a better entrepreneur, you can do that too. So, then, why if anything can learned, do so few reach their goals, dreams, or new heights to which they aspire? One word, Desire. They lack the desire, the will, to do what it takes to learn the things they need to learn to reach the goal. They don't want it bad enough and thus are not willing to put in the time, effort, sacrifice needed to learn. Anything can be learned - we just really don't want to learn it. I'm reminded of a great quote by Robert Heinlein, “A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” He's right - specialization is for insects. We can and should learn to be much more than we are today. All it takes is a little desire, will, discipline, and commitment. Look at your life and ask, "Is this it? Is this all I am destined for?" I think you know the answer. You have so much capability and personal power waiting to be unleashed. Don't waste it or the time you have. Anything can learned, so get learning, and put it into action! Decision making is one of the most important skills you can develop for your success. Not only will making good decisions help you in business, but in all areas of life.
But how do you know you are making good decisions? Here is how. First, in order to make a good decision, you have to understand that emotions can will affect it. That is OK. But you need to recognize the emotions that are impacting the decision and decide if they are useful or detracting to making the best decision in the moment. For example, is fear driving the decision? If so, is it truly warranted or is the fear unfounded and not to the level the emotional reaction is giving? Second, see all sides. Take the time to see the different sides of the decision and their impacts - look at things objectively and understand the potential benefits and consequences. Third, seek advice if warranted. Don't go it alone. Ask those your trust for their thoughts or for things you may be missing. This is a check and balance to make sure you've looked at all sides and that you are not letting emotions run the outcome. Fourth, take your time, sleep on things if you must - but don't overanalyze. Once you've gathered the information and seen all sides, you'll have a pretty good idea or inkling of which way to go. Don't procrastinate on it. Lastly, stick to your principles and own it. As a final check, make sure that you are not violating your principles and values in the decision you make. The own it. Take responsibility and see it through. If you follow the advice above, you'll be able to make smart decisions and boost your success! Motivation is important to success. In order for you to do the things you need to do to succeed and get off your butt and make them happen - you have to be motivated.
But, contrary to popular believe motivation does not come from watching a video or a speech or some sort of external source. These things can energize and create a feeling of motivation that is short lived, but lasting motivation, the motivation that is needed to really succeed and do it consistently, come from one place. Within. The only way to consistently succeed and keep going in spite of all the challenges put in your way is to motivate yourself. But, how do you do that? It's simple. You make the choice every day. You make the choice every day that you are not going to be stopped. You make the choice every day that you are in control of your own destiny (aside from God). You make the choice to keep going and overcome. You make the choice to reach your dream and live it, breath it, love it, and all that comes with it. When you make the choice, you wake up with a purpose, a mission. You know where you want to go and you figure out and take steps to get there. Because you know the reward that waits for you. And when you do this, you don't need outside motivation. You don't need a speech or a video, because all the motivation you need came from the choice that you made. The choice to be great and reach your goal or dream. So make your choice, let it motivate you, and go after what you want today! |
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