Sometimes you just need a little inspiration. A good quote can provide that and more! Here are 10 great quotes to inpsire you and make you think daily. “A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” - Robert Heinlein “I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed.” - Michael Jordan “It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.” - Babe Ruth “Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” You can either experience the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The choice is yours.” - Unknown “Impossible is just an opinion.” - Paulo Coelho “If something is important enough, even if the odds are stacked against you, you should still do it.” - Elon Musk “No one is to blame for your future situation but yourself. If you want to be successful, then become ‘Successful.’” - Jaymin Shah “Work hard in silence, let your success be the noise.” - Frank Ocean “Good. Better. Best. Never let it rest. ’Til your good is better and your better is best.”
I spend a few mnutes every day reading scripture and gaining wisdom. The other day, I came across a great message that is important for anyone struggling or thinking of quitting on themselves. It came from the JK Ministries daily email and involves probably the most consequential President of the US in history, Abraham Lincoln. Below is the message. Think about how you can use Lincoln's example in your life to keep going.
When you think of Abraham Lincoln, what qualities come to your mind? Compassion? Concern for the disenfranchised? Humor? While all those characteristics apply, I think if we really knew Lincoln, we’d find that the overriding quality of his character was perseverance. Believe it or not, Abraham Lincoln was a failure. In almost every area of his life, he experienced defeat. As a young man, Lincoln ran for the state legislature and lost overwhelmingly. He went into business and failed completely. He became engaged to a beautiful, loving girl, but she died. Lincoln then married a woman who was a continual burden to him, a thorn in his flesh. Soon thereafter he decided to run for Congress but lost decidedly. After that, he tried to get an appointment to the U.S. Land Office, but he was turned down. He then decided to run for the United States Senate, but his competition pounded him into the ground. After all these defeats, he decided to become vice president of the United States. He was, as we know, defeated once again. Abraham Lincoln lost at nearly everything he tried until he ran for and won the presidency of the United States. He persevered despite overwhelming discouragement and defeat, and because he persisted, he became one of the greatest leaders this world has ever known. Despite all the losses he suffered, Lincoln was never a loser because he never quit. When we hear that litany of the losses endured by such an upstanding man and respectable leader, how can we not feel just a little ashamed at the number of times we’ve thrown in the towel? What a great reminder that we need never give up, because God has already promised we will triumph if we’ve entrusted our lives to Him. Have you experienced defeat recently? My friend, keep persevering. Never give up, but instead rely on God’s promise to achieve victory in your life. Most people don't get what they want. It's true. And in a world where just about everything or the means of getting it is at our fingertips, you would think that this would not be the case.
Most don't people don't get what they want simply because they don't know what they want. They think they do, but when pressed, they really don't. It is surface level. Most people don't take the time to dig deep on themselves and ask the questions to know who they are and what they want - what they want from their life, work, relationships, spiritual pursuits and so on. You have probably heard that in order to get what you want, you need to have clarity. Well, the only way to get clarity is to ask the questions of yourself and dig deeper past the surface level. And most importantly, ask yourself why you want what you want. That is the critical piece because once you understand why, it will give you the fuel and drive to go get it. Another thing that keeps people from getting what they want is that once they know what it is they want, many times they are deterred by what it takes to get it. The work, the sacrifice, the time, etc. So many times they settle and miss out on the great things that happen when they go through the process to get what they want. When you decide to not settle and do what it takes to go after and achive your dreams, the process is transformational. The last thing to know about getting what you want is that it is not enough to say it. You have to want it bad enough that you won't stop until you get it. If you are not willing to do everything it takes for the thing you want, then you probably are chasing the wrong thing. You'll know when you've found the things you truly want when you commit and decide that nothing will stop you from getting it. If there is one thing that has paid off the most for me in my entrepreneurial journey over the years, it is building a great network of people that I can help and in turn can help me when and where I needed it.
You've probably heard that is not what you know, but who you know. Well, it is actually both. If you are an idiot, it will be hard to create lasting relationships that can make a difference over time. But, if you strive to be learned and gain wisdom, that of which you can you use to help others, you will find it much easier to build a great network. Network saves legwork. Building a great network is simply building great relationships that you invest in and in turn, they invest back into you. Building a solid network of people happens over time and is earned. It is the epitome of playing the long game. It is taking time to know people and be there for them. It is giving of yourself before getting anything in return. The great Zig Zglar said, "You can have everything you want in your life, if you just help enough others get what they want." It's that simple. Think about if you cultivated 10 relationships over the next year that in turn referred you 5-10 new clients. What would that mean for you or your business? Now, let me ask you, is it easier to focus and put time and effort into 10 great relationships vs. going out and finding 100 new clients one by one? Of course it is. And it is a lot more fun and rewarding. If you have not put much effort into building your network, now is the time. See if you can create and maintain one new relationship a month for the next year and help them. Make sure to share you goals and what you are wanting accomplish with them and ask for them help, but make sure to put them first and do the same for them. You will be amazed at where things will be for you a year from now. Network saves legwork! |
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