Sometimes, you just need a little pick-me-up...something to make you smile.
Here is a sample of quotes I go to when I need to put a smile on my face or someone else's. "What a wonderful thought it is, that some of the best days of our lives haven't happened yet!" - Unknown “The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny.” –Albert Ellis "Embrace the glorious mess you are..." -Elizabeth Gilbert "Stop and think about it. You are 1 in 4 Trillion! That is your chance of being born. You exist where so many others that could have been, do not. Make the most of it and make your mark on the world." - Me (I have a good one once in a while) "Let us endeavor to live so that when we come to die, even the undertaker will be sorry." -Mark Twain "People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do." – Rob Siltanen “Whether You Think You Can Or Think You Can’t, You’re Right.” – - Henry Ford “You Are Never Too Old To Set Another Goal Or To Dream A New Dream.” – C.S. Lewis Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. - Winston Churchill "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13
![]() Right now is a very interesting time. OK, I know that is a duh statement. But, I don't say it because of everything we are having to do with the Wuhan Coronavirus, I say it because there are a lot of other things happening out there that people aren't paying much attention to.
Most people gloss over when they hear about the US Congress passing trillion dollar spending bills. That is TRILLIONs. Just to see it as a number - it looks like this: $1,000,000,000,000. There are 1000 billions in a trillion. Now, where does all that money come from? Most people, say, "We just print it!" But, what does that mean? And what does that mean for your life, your business, your future? The short answer is that it is all debt - in fact, all dollars in the world are essentially debt. This has a big impact on you and your life and most people never educate themselves on the ramifications of all of this debt and the printing of more. More importantly, they need to prepare themselves to be ready for the future consequences of this debt and money printing. Below are 5 Books I feel are important for everyone to read before the end of 2020 to help better take control of their financial future and understand money and finance in our world. Remember, whoever controls the money is in control. 1.) The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffith This book is a comprehensive history of central banking in the world and ramifications of it. If you want to understand money and how it works - and how "we print money out of thin air," this book will educate you better than any. It reads like a mystery novel and the history is extremely well researched. It will blow your mind. 2.) Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki A classic that you may have read. If not, you should. In this book, you will learn by savers are losers and your house is not an asset. 3.) Cashflow Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki In my opinion, Robert's first two books go best read back to back. This book teaches you about how and where to build your wealth. (Hint: It is not as an employee). 4.) The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clayson Personal finance is not taught in our schools. I happen to think it is deliberately not taught for a host of reasons - none of them good. This book, told in the form of a fable, gives you all the basics of personal finance you need. You can follow it up with some Dave Ramsey books if you want to go further. 5.) A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton Malkiel This book covers it all and is great for beginners in investing. You can follow it up with the Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham. I admit it. I'm still not good at doing what I am about to share with you. But, by sharing it and putting my thoughts down, I hope it helps you in your life and business - and selfishly, me as well.
What do you know of in your life right now you should be doing? What is it that is in the back of your mind, your gut, that you know you need to do? What is it that is constantly there, eating at you? Even knowing it is there is tough, because you think of all the ramifications of what would happen if you followed this thing that is pulling at you. What would be the consequences if you did it? How would it affect others, your family, your business(es), your business partners, employees - those that rely on you. How would it affect you? How do you know it is the right decision and not just some stupid impulse that if acted on could ruin everything? I'm talking about when you know you need to make a change or at a crossroads. You gut, your intuition is telling you where you need to go and what you need to do. It gnaws at you. It is there day and night - and you know you need to act - but all those potential consequences, right? I've had these moments many time over the years, and as much I fight them, I ultimately give in and follow my intuition and it has served me well when I did. I have also missed out because I didn't act when I knew I should - only to do it later and things still turn out well, but not as good as they could have. I learned over the years to trust these instincts and "my gut" in life and business, but sometimes I'm too stubborn to give in for a while or let a lot of potential made up consequences/ramifications rattle around in my head keeping me from acting for longer that they should. I haven't yet quite figured out how to best manage these situations, but I am getting better. One thing I have found is to be open and talk through them with others that you trust and that you know have wisdom and experience. They should challenge you, but also help you to see through the jumbled mess to get to the core of what really matters and help you see the benefits/detriments of the decision. Sometimes you need to just talk it through and it's best not to do it with those that are close to it or in it with you. For example, when I have one of these situations in my businesses, I won't try to solve it with just my business partners, but instead reach out to those I trust and know will can help outside the organization and that are not close things. I have found that the perspectives and new ideas that come forward have helped me the most in making the right decision - which the majority of the time is going with the pull of the intuition. If you are in one of these times in your life, I really understand the struggle - these things can eat at you and consume you. Get some help and don't go it alone. Reach out to that person you know is the right one to help you see things the right way and that will help you think about it differently. You'll find that once you do, a weight will be lifted off you and it will be easier to proceed forward. ![]() There is a growing trend happening across the world and it's not good. It was happening before the Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak, but since the virus was unleashed on the world, it has been exacerbated and it's getting worse.
The trend is being fostered by governments and many aspects of society - all in the name of helping - when it is actually hurting people and their future. The trend? The lack of personal responsibility. When people stop taking responsibility for their actions and choices and in many cases, are now being rewarded for it, it fosters a false sense of reality in society. And at some point, truth and reality always win. People can blame others for their place in life or commit terrible acts in which they don't take responsibility, but those that do, never get the satisfaction or reward they are looking for. They end up disappointed and disheveled. Success and fulfillment lies in taking full responsibility for yourself, your life, your actions, and your choices. Why? Because it gives you your power back. When you blame others and don't take responsibility for yourself, that means you are ceding your power to someone else or something else. You handing over your biggest chess piece on the board and letting someone else, something, or group control your life. The power is in you, the individual, and in taking your power back through personal responsibility. When you do that, you cannot be hurt, you cannot be offended, and you don't have to play a victim, because you are in control and choose how you respond to things. Everything is your choice. And choices have benefits and consequences, no matter if you take responsibility for them or not. But, if you do take responsibility you will find that you will be and achieve so much more and reach levels that you never expected. You will hold yourself to a higher standard - a better standard, one that you choose. Don't miss out on this incredible secret to success by giving away what is rightfully yours - your biggest source of power, your personal responsibility. The ocean is complicated. It is a stunningly beautiful, yet violent place. One minute it can be your friend, the next it can turn on you and bring harm. Under the surface is just as unforgiving. The circle of life that goes around every day is merciless, yet beautiful. Survival is the mission of the day for all creatures.
And it is for these reasons, and many others, that the ocean deserves great respect. I have spent a lot of time both above and under the ocean diving throughout the world. It is a passion for my wife and I - one of the biggest that we share together. I have seen so many amazing things from night diving with Manta Rays off the coast of the Big Island to the massive walls of the great barrier reef, bioluminescence of the Caribbean, almost every type of creature and APEX predator, and even have been chased, seemingly hunted by a massive Tiger shark. And for all that I have seen, I haven't even scratched the surface of all there is to know and see in our oceans. And that is why I continue to have the deepest respect for them, even if I'm just catching some rays on a beach - because I know how powerful, beautiful, merciless, and unforgiving they can be. One of the biggest lessons I've learned through all my time around the water is simply this : When you think you are in control or are too confident, the ocean will remind you that you aren't. Whether that happens through a crushing wave just when you think you have mastered navigating the surf or as so many divers that have gotten too cocky/confident have found, an underwater accident, mother ocean will always win and is in control. You are just a guest in her world. In some ways the business world is similar. It is powerful, beautiful, merciless, and unforgiving all the same. It requires respect and just when you think you have it mastered, it kicks you in the ass and shows you that you have a lot to learn. Like the ocean, it provides amazing experiences and life changing opportunities, but if not respected will turn on you and put you in your place. And there is always something new you can learn. But, just as the rewards are amazing for those that stay humble and respect the ocean, it is the same for the world of business. Keep learning, stay humble, and use your knowledge to go to new places! |
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