Yes, I'm going to go on a rant.
Stop sabotaging yourself. Stop sabotaging your success. Stop wrecking your life. The power to change anything and everything lies in your head. And your head gets in your way. We constantly doubt ourselves and look for reasons why we shouldn't do things and why what we are doing won't work. And when we are not doing that, we are questioning ourselves and our worth. Am I good enough? Why am I so lucky? Do I do deserve my success? And on and on. Why? Why the hell do we do this to ourselves. And more importantly, why do we let it continue on in our lives. Our own minds are responsible for our sabotage. And sadly, we have control our over our minds and our thoughts - but let them run off on their own and create these ridiculous narratives that wreck things in our lives. It's time to stop. Stop letting our mind's wandering negativity bring us down. It's time to take back control and to stop sabotaging ourselves. How? Simple. Reject the thought patterns and impulses from our mind and choose the ones we want to have. People make things so much more complicated than they have to be and tie themselves in knots. You are worthy of it. You are worthy of your success, a great life - all of it. Stop telling yourself or letting yourself be told you aren't. Take your power back by recognizing when you are mentally sabotaging yourself and stop it in its tracks. Then choose the thoughts you want to have and more forward. Yes, this is work. But, it gets easier with practice. It is worth it? You bet. It's time to step into who we really are and have confidence in it. That doesn't mean we are arrogant or narcissistic, but it does mean we are sure of ourselves and believe in ourselves and our worth. The chances of you being on this earth right now living are so small that you would not even understand the number if I gave it to you. You are here at this time for a reason, a purpose. So, don't let it be squandered by your mind's wandering negativity. Own your life and own every moment. Live free and to the fullest. Work your ass off. Take care of those around you. And for Pete's sake don't dwell on things. Make a decision and keep moving forward - learning from it no matter how it ends up. Be confident, yet humble and be the best version of yourself you can. The world and those around you need you to be. Stop sabotaging yourself and become who you were meant to be....
There is a secret that has been passed on by the most successful throughout history. It was articulated by everyone from Lao Tzu to Aristotle. The secret was even referenced multiple times in the Bible.
The secret I am talking about? The power of focus. Where your focus goes, your results will follow. On the surface, this seems pretty obvious and common sense. But, it goes deeper. Your subconscious mind perceives your focus and acts on it for you 24 hours a day. It works while you sleep, while you are doing your daily work, and even when you are exercising or watching TV. So, if what you focus on expands in your life, then it is very important to have a good grasp and plan for what you are focusing on in your life. When is the last time you stop and asked yourself, "What I am focused on in my life?" or maybe, "What am I focused on this week? or "What I am focused on today?" One thing I have found over time is the power of weekly and daily "to do" lists to help with focus. You should always have your bigger long-term goals for 6-12 months as a backdrop and review them, but your weekly and daily "to do" lists are the focuses that help get you there. If you are someone that doesn't practice starting your day with a plan and mission to accomplish a "to do" list, give it a shot and watch how amazingly more productive you are. The focus that you give yourself and your subconscious will manifest in your work and your results. This is another simple secret that many of the most successful practice. Remember, where you focus goes, your results will follow. Find a way to make sure you are focused on the right things every day! If you ask most people if they want to be successful, they will say "Yes." But, when you ask them if they are willing do everything it takes to reach that success and if they know what they need to do, people are a lot less confident.
Success is earned. Just like freedom is earned. Last week, we remembered 9/11 in the United States and the horrific events of that day. On that day, the U.S. was attacked because of our way of life and the freedoms that our citizens enjoy. That freedom didn't just happen. It was earned. It was earned through our revolutionary war and by upholding the principles and ideals of our founding and protecting them for centuries. It can never be taken for granted or we will lose it. Success is the same way. It is a disciplined commitment to a set of principles, ideals, and actions that you follow and never give up on. You have to keep going at it day in and day out, sometimes for many years to reach the success you desire. And even then, the success you get may not be what you envisioned when you started. Success is earned over time by diligence, dedication, and experience. Every day you get better and closer to your goal. You are responsible for your effort and your commitment. Interesting enough, the success you seek doesn't need to be done in a huge glorious way. It can be done in little increments of getting better. In fact, most success comes from getting better at the little things. And it doesn't take much. Think about the winner in an Olympic race. Many times, it comes down to 1/10 of a second or less. That can be a hand placement or foot position at the starting line. The littlest of things can make the biggest difference. The difference in getting a sale in a business could just how much faster you respond to a lead than your competition. It could be that last follow up on a potential partnership after you have exhausted yourself in the effort. Ask yourself, "What can I do today to further my success?" Start each day this way and never stop! Earn your success. How do you know how to sell?
It's a peculiar question. And the first time I was asked it as young executive, I have to admit, I was fumbling for an answer. The truth is most people have never been taught how to sell. For many years, there was no "school" for it although that has changed over the last decade. Most people that are in sales, end up there. They don't go looking for a sales position. They are accidental sales people. And because of this, many people in sales never reach their true potential. So, back to the question. How do you know how to sell? Well, the truth is, all of us already have all the tools we need. It is wired in us as humans. One of the most innate abilities we have is to sell. We don't see it that way, but think about what you are doing when explain an idea you are excited about or if you like a guy or gal and convince them to go out with you - you are selling. You are selling yourself, an idea, a way of thinking, etc. In fact, we are always selling. Every day, we are selling something to somebody. We just see it as selling. So, the truth is, you already know how to sell. You were born with the ability. You have just never been aware of it. And awareness is the catalyst to change. Now, that you understand selling is in your blood, you can hone the skill and use it to help you in life. The best advice I can give you on how to better your sales skills is to be authentic, be honest, and know your worth. And most importantly, people buy you, before they buy your product or service. That may sound like common sense, but so many people try to be someone else when they sell something and it is easy to spot. People know "when they are being sold." When you have "try and sell someone," that's not selling. It's more like desperation - and it's not authentic. Be true to who you are. Next, be honest. Tell things like they are and be up front. There is always an element of tact needed. But, people will respect you when you are authentic and give them a true picture of things. Remember, people buy you first. One of the places where salespeople hurt themselves the most is not knowing their worth. They give way to much when they don't have to- both to the detriment of their business and their own wallet. Salespeople have families and kids to feed to. Show your worth. Believe in it. Explain it honestly and true and be willing to stand by it. Not everyone will buy from you, but they will respect you, and you will be a lot more successful over the long run. In the end, you should never have to "try to sell." Go back to how you are when you are sharing an idea or concept you are excited about with your friends or family. You don't see it as selling. It's the same way in business; you are dealing people just the same there. Always remember that. |
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