I came across this post the other day from @QCompounding and really like the infographics. Especially the one for kids. These are great to keep handy as an entrepreneur and in general. Enjoy!
Most people don't want to be confronted with the truth. Sometimes, it is because they are afraid of what it will sbhow or mean to them. Other times, they just don't want to deal with it and/or are afraid of what they might have to do to be able to cope with it.
This past weekend, I was asked to give a presentation on where things are going with the economy and the trends to watch. While I discussed my optimism in the ability of the individual to succeed and find ways to thrive no matter what type of economy we face, the data does not look good long term. First an foremost, I showed data from the United States annual financial report that came out in February (yes, the Government produces a financial report just like a corporation produces their annual report). In the report, there are some very disturbing things for example, the actual "Net Income" for the government is -$34.1 Trillion. On top of that, Social Security is -$75.9 Trillion in the hole. To put this in perspective, the Universe that we live in is 13 Billion years old. The US debt is is hopelessly, rediculously so large that it can never be paid back and it won't. After discussing this and several other topics, we spoke about what we can do to prepare and ensure we can succeed in the future as these problems grow and inevitably impact out lives. One person said to me, "As you presented, I found myself feeling scared and helpless, but now I see that I'd rather have the knowledge and truth and prepare now, than stick my head in the sand like most people. I can prepare and set myself up to succeed and be in a position to help others...and if things don't come to pass, I'm still in good shape. Thank you!" I was very excited to hear this as that was the point I wanted to make. We must seek knowledge and not be afraid of the truth our lives. We may not like what the truth tells us, but that gives the knowledge and ability to prepare and make better decisions to help our success - in all areas of life. If you want to make a bigger impact on your success and put yourself in a position to make a bigger difference in your life and that of those around you, seek truth and knowledge and help share it with others. Everywhere you look, AI is taking the world by storm. It is the buzz on every social media site. Major companies, especially in tech are using it in almost every sentance talking about the future of their company, and ChatGPT as well as other initial AI solutions are being used more and more. But, have we taken any time to think about what this means for out future, or are we just full steam ahead without regard to the potential ramifications of allowing this technology fully out of the box? I came across an excellent video with some of the top minds in the world on AI called the AI Dilemma. If you want to understand the benefits and challenges of AI and be on the edge of what is happening with this technology, they this is a must watch. Check it out below! Over the last week, I have had several instances where someone wronged me or showed themselves not who they made themselves out to be. This happens, it is part of life.
My initial reaction internally in these instances was anger and a desire to "get even." And while, I know that is not the right action to take, it took every fiber of my being not to follow through. Afterthe Battle of Gettysburg, Abraham Lincoln composed a letter to General Meade in which he expressed his major disappointment in Meade's inability to pursue and defeat Robert E. Lee's army. It was a scathing letter. One that would have probably caused Meade to resign. But, Lincoln did not send the letter--he instead left it in his desk. In the end, Meade served to help Grant win the war and defeat the south. If Lincoln had send the letter and Meade had resigned, it may have changed the course of the war. I remembered this lesson over the last week and while I wanted to act in a certain manner in my own situations, I realized the best thing to do was to forgive these people and move forward. In doing so, I felt a weight being lifted off my shoulders removing the burden of being angry or in a negative state of mind. I found clarity and I believe the should I need to interact with these people in the future, their better side will come out and we can find common ground. I wish them well and hope that I others will forgive me when or if I make mistakes in my life. This is the gift of forgiveness in our lives and we should use it as often as needed.
I continue to find excellent threads on Twitter that can help you be more successful as an entrepreneur. Check out this one below from Rowan Cheung on his top hacks for using ChatGPT for greater efficiency and productivity.
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January 2025
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