I took some time over the weekend to refresh myself on what it means to have a "Growth Mindset." If you are not familiar with what a Growth Mindset is, here is a definition, "Growth mindset describes a way of viewing challenges and setbacks. People who have a growth mindset believe that even if they struggle with certain skills, their abilities aren't set in stone. They think that with work, their skills can improve over time."
At it's core, a Growth Mindset is all about getting better and improving and realizing that you can control your effort and focus more than anything else. So, for example, if you are not good at something, it's not because you aren't capable of being good at it, but more of a lack of effort and focus on it. I have always thought that "anything can be learned." But the key comes down to how big of a desire you have to learn it. For example, if you want to become a rocket scientist, you can do it. It will take massive effort and focus over time, but it is possible. You will stumble and not understand things are times, but that means you are actually pushing your brain to learn which is growing your capability. That the essence of Growth Mindset. The struggles and stresses you go through actually help you level up if you keep at it. Ironically, this is pretty much the message of the book, Think and Grow Rick by Napoleon Hill written almost a century ago. He stated that "whatever a man can conceiver, he can achieve." But the key was desire - you have to want it bad enough so that you are willing to put the effort in to get it. So, how about you? Are there things you have shied away from because you thought that your capabilities weren't there to be good at them? What if you started putting your best effort forward and focusing? Where could you be in a month? 6 months? A year? Remember, you can control your focus and your effort and using these will help you to grow in the areas of your choosing if you desire it enough. And if you truly want to succeed and level up, you must do so.
Recently, I was interviewed on the changes happening with the dollar and monetary system, especially with the new BRICS currency being released in August. If you are looking to better understand the impact and what the future may hold for you as an entrepreneur or personally, give it a listen! ![]() If you have been in the game long enough as an entrepreneur, you've had a taste of success. And at some point, you may reach a level of success where you have hit your biggest goals or may be financially free. It's at this point where things can actually get harder...
When you've worked almost non-stop for years to reach your goals and finally get there, it is natural to take some time to enjoy the spoils of your victory, but this is where entrepreneurs and really anyone that reaches high levels of success in an area of their lives has to be careful. It is at this point where it becomes easier to become complacent or not operate at the same level(s) that got you the success. In short, we can become "fat and happy." We must be keenly aware of this success killer. Because when we give in to it, it not only hurts our future success, but it lowers our potential in all areas of our lives. For example, I train every day for long periods for Ironman. I've been doing it for years and I've reached a lot of my goals. I have competed in the Ironman World Championships. I have reached levels where I am Top 5% in the world rankings. I have achieved more than I thought from where I started out. And racing for me is not a job. I have a few sponsors, but I'm not paid to do it. It's something that I am afforded the ability to be able to put the time, effort, and money into because I found success in other areas. In short, I don't have to do it. So, it's natural that there are times where I just don't want to do the things I know I need to do. The things needed to remain competitive and fit enough to keep competing at the levels I have built my capabilities to. It's in these moments that I have to be my strongest mentally. It is so easy to skip a workout or not perform a workout at the intensity it calls for. What 's the harm right? It's only one work out or just slacking a little bit - no big deal. But, that is the slippery slope. Once you begin to give into these impulses, it gets easier and easier to do it the next time and so on. I've seen it with athletes, entrepreneurs, and people in general. Once you give in, you begin to set the bar lower and lower for yourself. And eventually, you lose your edge. The edge that brought you the success in the first place. It is in these moments where I have these thoughts or feel like giving in to this success killer that I have to push through and go harder and break myself of it. And I do. And it has made me a better man, husband, father, and entrepreneur. Everyone has these moments where we can fall prey to this success killer. You can probably think of a few right now or are may be going through one. The question you need to ask and answer is what are you going to do when this happens in your life? How are you going to handle it and overcome the urge to give in and not operate at your best? Decide now, so you are ready to push through and keep your edge. |
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