I saw this awesome post from @SahilBloom on Twitter this past week that lays out some awesome advice and action steps to make this your best year ever. I had to share it with you. Check it out!
Each year, our Misfit Entrepreneur guests ends each episode by giving their Misfit 3, the 3 most important pieces of wisdom they want you to take and put into your life and your business.
And each year, at the end of the year, I go through and pick the 25 "best of the best" to share with you. My hope if that you can use this incredible wisdom and advice to help you get off to a great start in the New Year. Here are the Misfit Entrepreneur Misfit 3 Top 25!
The New Year is right around the corner. Are you ready? If you are honest, probably not. More importantly, are you ready in your business? Probably not there as well.
While the holidays are time-consuming and there is a lot going on, we still need to stop and take some focused time to prepare ourselves to succeed in the New Year. Over the years, I've put together a short, but important checklist to prepare for each New Year. In a few simple steps, you can get yourself ready and think through the most important items to ensure you succeed. Here's your year end checklist! 1.) Conduct an honest self-assessment Take the time to conduct an honest self-assessement of where you are and where you want to be in all areas of your life from welath to health, relationships, etc. This will help you understand the gaps and what you need to do to reach where you want to be. 2.) Decide what to "keep, kill, or delgate" Once you know what you need to do to reach where you want to be, then you must put yourself in the best position to succeed in doing so. To do this, you will need to decide which things you need to keep doing and add into your life, which things you need to get rid of and/or stop doing and which things you should delegate to others. 3.) Plan, Plan, Plan Once you have determined what is needed to get you where you want to go and the things to focus on or delegate to get you there, you need to plan to make it happen. This means putting in your daily, weekly, and monthly actions that you will need to do consistently to reach your goals. Do no get overwhelmed by this. Remember, people overestimate what they can do in a week and underestimate what they can do in a year. Play the long game. Planning gives you the actions needed to succeed, so you don't have to think or procrastinate. You just get up every day and start executing. 4.) Resolve to constantly evaluate what is working and what is not Just because you decided to "Keep, kill or delegate" once does not mean you are done. You should evaluate, at least monthly, what is working and what is not so you can refine and get even better. There you have it, a 4-step checklist to end the year successfully and start the New Year on right foot! I was recently having a conversation with a family member and the topic of me racing Ironman came up and all the training I do. After talking about the commitment needed to be successful in these races, they asked me "Why do you do it?"
It was a good question and my answer somewhat surprised them as it relates to business and entrepreneurship as well. My response was the following.... First, I have found that in life, the more I challenge my limits and overcome them, the more I am capable of and higher levels of success I can reach. It also opens my eyes to the possibilities I previously may have not thought possible. The other side of it, is that I have done all this work to get into the shape I am in, over a number of years and it would be a shame to just let go. As Walter Payton famously said, "It is a lot easier to stay in shape than it is to get in shape." I prefer to stay in shape. With that, they nodded their head and understood. It is the same in business as well. Every time we push through a barrier or big obstacle, we get better and find our business is capable of more than we thought. And when we do reach high levels of success, we must work hard to keep them and not let them go. This takes commitment, focus, and endurance. Remember, "It is a lot easier to stay in shape than it is to get in shape..." Get yourself and your business in shape and keep it there!
I came across a great list of fatherly advice from @mbrandoph on Twitter this past week and had to share it. Here it is!
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January 2025
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