I am going to make a guess that you don't have everything you want. Maybe you don't have the success you think you should have. Maybe you don't have the relationships you think you should have. Maybe you don't have the money you think you should have or the health or body you want.
Why not? Why is it that people want so much, but get very little of it? There are two reasons. First, most people don't get what they want because they actually don't know what they want. They think they do, but when it comes down to it, they don't know. Think about the things you "think" you want. Are they true? Are those really the things you want? Or when you think hard about it, do you find you actually want something different. I won't say that you will ever be crystal clear on all that you want. But, you should take the time to do some deep thinking about it and challenge yourself to make sure. Second, and more important, is that most people don't get what they want because they simply are not willing to do what it takes to get it. And that also goes to the first point in that most people don't know what they want. Think about it. If you truly and deeply want something, you will move heaven and earth to get it. You will do whatever it takes. You will work around the clock. You will keep going through the setbacks that get in your way. You will not stop until you reached your goal. If you are not getting something you say you want, it is probably because you really don't want it that bad. It is not as important as you make it out to be. That is OK. Understanding this helps us to fully understand the things we do want and to re-prioritize and go after them. Use the 80/20 rule. Out of all the things you think you want, most likely 20% or less of them are the real ones - the ones you will stop at nothing to get. Go after those. Make them a reality. Simplify, Execute. Succeed. Now go get what you want.
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