My recent Half-Ironman event was a big success. I shaved about 20 mins off my time from the same race last year and continue to get better and stronger at the 3 disciplines (Swim, Bike, Run).
I cruising along on my run at about mile 7 when I saw my wife and daughter waiting to cheer me on. There is nothing better, after swimming 1.2 miles, biking 56 miles, and being halfway through a 13.1, than seeing your family there rooting for you and cheering for you. It gives you 2nd, or maybe 3rd wind. I gave them a sweaty hug and thanked and them for supporting me as I ran in place for a minute. Everything was going great. Then my wife said, "Did you hear?" I said, "About what?" My wife quickly told me that a competitor that left on the bike a little while after I had started my ride got hit and killed by a vehicle. In that moment, knowing I had to run another 6 miles, I didn't know what to do. All I could muster was an "Oh my gosh, what happened!" My wife didn't know, but she gave me a quick hug and told me to be careful. As an Ironman competitor or any distance racing competitor, there are always dangers. We spend a lot of time running on roads, swimming in lakes or oceans, and biking for long distances on roads with traffic. The worst fear of our loved ones is us getting hurt or killed in a freak accident. And the last place anyone would expect this to happen is in a sanctioned Ironman race where everything is blocked off, paramedics, and race staff all around the course, and every safety precaution is taken. After the race, I talked to a few of my race friends and no one really new the details. Later that day, we heard that biker had gone outside the blocked off area and was stuck - so it was their fault. But, they lost their life. I can't imagine that. You start a beautiful morning watching the sun come up, do a great mile + long swim and get on your bike to ride. You are in the best shape of your life. Things are great. Life is good. Then, in one instant, with one decision, your life is over. As I thought about it in the days that followed, it really hit home to me how precious every moment that we have is...and how all of take them for granted. Heck, I may have even talked to this person that morning wishing them a great race. I know it is hard to cherish every single moment and take the perspective that every moment is precious in our daily lives as we go from home to work to the activities we do, but maybe we can stop and just really enjoy one moment each day and be thankful for it. Maybe we can choose one moment to truly make count or one action to make count each day. That wouldn't be too hard and our lives, and those of the lives around us would be better for it. Find a way to do that. Find a way to make at least one moment really count each day. I know I will.
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