Ok, so this post in just about the fact that if you shut your mouth and listen you will learn more, get more business, and create better relationships. All of those things will happen if you spend more time listening and park your ego (and your need to talk) aside.
This is article is about another result of shutting your mouth and listening - an even bigger more powerful secret. That secret is the incredible amount you can learn about others not just from what they say, but from their body language. People like Frank Luntz have made a whole living off of analyzing the body language of people and what it means. You can use this for all areas of your life. Body language will give you a lot of what you need to know about how a conversation is going. What is the other person's posture? Are they leaning forward into the conversation showing interest or sitting back with their arms cross showing reservation? Are they using their hands a lot? Are they animated? This gives insight into the type of personality they have -which is you understand personalities, you will be able to relate better to them and how their mind works. There are so many things, that if you just be quiet and observe, you will find out about others - and about yourself. It is hard not to interject and talk about yourself and your ideas, but if you can practice restraint and allow others to reveal more about who they are; you will find that you can use what you learn to have more meaningful conversations, create better relationships, and ultimately find more success.
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2/10/2023 11:28:27 am
The company provides its staff with a pleasant working environment
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