I have no ties to England. I am a US citizen and have very little English heritage that I am aware of. But, as many others, I felt the gravity and significance of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II lst week. Teh queen reigned for over 70 years and during that time saw 15 UK Prime Ministers, 13 of the last 14 US Presidents, took over 260 official visits on behalf of her country, and was the longest serving monarch in British History.
While I cannot relate to her as the citizens of the UK have and did - I found her to be a truly amazing person and over the years took note of some of the things that set her apart and helped her to be such an amazing icon. Here are 5 Business and Life Lessons that I found from observing from Queen Elizabeth. 1. The importance of Stoicism The queen was one of the greatest example of stoicism. She was able to go through tremendous challenges, pain, hardships, world wars, death, world catastophe as well as bring light into the world through her presence and message - all with a calm grace and dignification seldom seen in others. She embodied "Keep Calm and Carry On." We would do well to remember this lesson in our lives and not let emotions get the best of us in situations. 2.) How You Do Anything is How You Do Everything In over 70 years, there was never scandal that involved the queen. Not even a mistake in a speech or comment that was said the wrong way. Think about how routinely leaders have scandals or issues come up and that are dragged out in the media. The queen never had this happen. Yes, there were controversial things surrounding members of her family, but she was someone that everyone always could count on and if she had a bad day, it never showed. This carried throughout all of areas of her life. How she was in public was how she was in private. She set her values and lived by them. How many of us can say we do the same? We should strive do things consistently by our values and not waver. 3.) Treat Others with Respect Even if You Disagree With or Dislike Them The queen visited with everyone from US Presidents to Vladimir Putin and Bashar Assad. But, you never knew her politics. She treated everyone with dignity, grace, and respect. She would work diplomatically with leaders, but force her political opinions on them nor argue politics. With stoicism, she calmly and plainly worked for the best outcome. We must do the same in our lives. Treat all with respect regardless of your opinions and do your best to keep your opinions out of things. 4.) Seek and Share Wisdom I think most people would agree that the queen was or seemed wise when she spoke or acted. 70 years of leading will no doubt give you the experience. But, it should be noted that the queen sought wisdom and counsel. She didn't just act or react on a whim, but sought wisdom and counsel and the best course. She was methodical, reasoned, and true. We must seek wisdom and counsel in our lived and share what we have learned to help others. 5.) Don't Forget to Enjoy Life While to queen had tremendous duties and eyes all around the world watching her every move, she seemed to find ways to enjoy life. Yes, she pretty much had everything she could have wanted, but there are plenty of people who have everything and are miserable. The queen found joy in life and had fun as well. If you've ever seen her "Paddington Bear Commercial" you have an idea of her sense of humor. We must not forget, not matter our what happens in our lives, to find the joy that exist around us and experience life.
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