This past week, I was invited to attend a special event, Social Smash 2017, hosted by Mike Koenigs. The event was held as the closing party for the Social Media Marketing World conference in San Diego.
It was an amazing event attended by all of the major influencers and players in social media, blogging, podcasting, etc. People like John Lee Dumas, Allison Maslan, JJ Virgin, Paul Colligan, Michael O'Neal, Lisa Sasevich, Pam Hendrickson, Steve Olsher, and many others attended. And the whole event was done live on Facebook! Everyone was sharing their best tips for success and for growing. You can access and view everything here (definitely take the time to do so) I enjoyed meeting a number of people. Many of whose advice, I used in getting Misfit off the ground. And, as I went through the evening, there were a few things that really stood out to me when it comes to success and life. So, I thought I'd share them with you. Networking is Still the Best Way to Grow For everything people do to further their businesses and life pursuits, networking in person is still the best way to grow. You just cannot replace the connections that happen when you are one on one and face to face with others. It's innately human. To be able to chat with a John Lee Dumas about podcasting or ask an Allison Maslan what she is seeing work best in business right now, and then discuss potential synergies is, well...priceless. If you haven't made a commitment to seek out networking opportunities or taken time to investigate joining Mastermind groups to help you grow; you are missing a key element that all of the most successful use in their lives. In fact, I would probably have not been at the event, if it weren't for my connections from Masterminding. Make a commitment to network and meet the right people to help you get where you want to go. Go to events where they will be. Join groups or organizations with like minded individuals. Invest in yourself. The Law of Reciprocity Throughout the evening, I met so many amazing people and one thing was constant with all of them. They were all so open and willing to give. Whether they were conscious to it or not (I think they are), they live the law of reciprocity which simply states that the more you are genuinely willing to give, the more that will come back to you in return. Of course, the most important word is "genuinely." Everyone I spoke to was so open and genuine in their willingness to learn about me and how they could help. And I with them. This is a secret trait of the those that are very successful. I have noticed it over and over again throughout the years. They approach things in a very giving way and ask themselves, "how can I help?" Most unsuccessful people look at things like "what's in it for me?" or "what can I get from this person?" And they wonder why they don't get ahead. This trait or habit is not something you have to be successful to learn, but it will absolutely help you reach higher levels of success on your journey. Start asking yourself, "how can I genuinely help?" and stop yourself from approaching things with a "what's in it for me?" or "what can I get?" attitude. You'll be amazed at how the law of reciprocity works for you. Their Story is Your Story For all of the hype about this group of people (and the hype is warranted), they are still just people, like anyone else. Their story is your story. I was amazed at how so many started out with nothing or just an idea. They work hard. They put in the time. They learn from failure and get back up again. They find ways to reach their goals. Most importantly, they believe in themselves and their mission and they are devoted to it with every ounce of their being. Commitment is a word that is thrown around a lot and it has taken me many years to really learn what it means. To me, commitment is your unwavering belief and urge to push on in spite of everything that comes in front of you. In spite of fear, failure, worry, and self-doubt. It is the burning flame for something that can never be put out. Everyone has something, that by the definition above, they are committed to on their success journey. Go all in and don't hold anything back. It was obvious that the individuals in this group had done just that. They are Constantly Improving Themselves and Their Craft This may seem as a given, but one thing I observed was the constant discussion of how people are testing new things, seeking out new methods, and sharing what is and what isn't working for them. No matter how successful they were, they were still learning and trying to improve. The lesson is obvious, but one that everyone needs to hear over and over again - never stop growing, learning, or challenging yourself. Complacency is a natural enemy of success. Always be growing! Social Smash 2017 was a great event and a great way to end the first quarter of the year. For me, it reinforced the commitments that I have made to myself, energized me to go after things with more focus and speed, and inspired me to set the bar even higher. That is all you can ask for a from a few hours on a Friday evening.
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