Have you ever gotten to a point or felt "cloudy" on things. Almost like you had so many things to do or could do, and you weren't sure which way to go. This happens to a lot of us entrepreneurs because we see opportunity everywhere and "there is always something we can be doing."
When you find yourself in these instances - it's best to take some time to clear your mind and give it a break. Things will clear up if you do. There are a lot of methods for clearing your mind, reducing stress, and removing the cloudiness, but here are 3 simple ones that I have found to work well and easy to implement. 1. Get a Change of Environment This one is pretty easy. If you spend a lot of time at the office or in the same place where are working, it is hard break the cycle and clear your mind. If you simply get a change of environment and allow your mind to think in a new place, it can make a huge difference. It may be as simple as taking a walk in nature or working from a Starbucks for a day. One thing I love to do is go to our family cabin and work a day or two from there. There are a lot of options. The key is to just recognize when you need to get in a different environment and then act on it. 2.) Learn Box Breathing A lot has been studied on taking time to breath each day. So much in fact that our wearables and other devices remind us to take time to do so. One of my favorite breathing exercises is Box Breathing. This technique is used by everyone from special forces to pro-athletes. I love this method because, a.) It works and b.) it is easy to do. Breathing is very important to calm and center yourself and you can do Box in less than 10 mins a day. Here is a good article on how to practice it. 3.) Exercise. Ok...this may be a "duh" kind of statement, but exercise really is the best way I've found to clear your mind. Whenever I am feeling very bogged down and in need of direction, I go for a long run - 10+ miles. It usually takes about 5 miles before mind clears and its just the sound of my stride and the outdoors around me. It's at this point that I usually get my best answers to problems or best ideas. We all know the tremendous benefits to exercise for many areas of our lives. My advice is to get into a solid exercise routine daily because it will help you to not get as "cloudy" in the first place. Plan to have time each day devoted to your physical health and it will make a huge difference. You will be in better shape, sleep better, have less stress, more energy, and have a sharper mind. Practice these 3 things in your life and you always be able to move on quickly, have less stress and clearer head.
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