If you are someone who sometimes has trouble finding the motivation to get out of bed or hits the snooze button a few times in the morning only to find yourself then getting up late, and missing out on the opportunity time - here's a few hacks for you. This will be a short read, but give you some powerful things you can to do get yourself going in the morning.
1.) Give Yourself a Meaningful Incentive What motivates you? What would make you want to get out of bed, say, 1 hour earlier each day? How can you reward yourself besides the unbelievable additional productivity you will get by getting up earlier or on time? You answers to these questions will help reveal your "meaningful incentive." You need something to anchor to....something that can really drive you. Maybe you truly want to get healthier and by getting up earlier or on time, you will have the time for the exercise you keep putting off. Or maybe, it will allow you to eat a healthy breakfast instead of a "grab and go." Give yourself a reward on top of it for making things happen, but first find your meaningful incentive and anchor it in your mind. 2.) Force Yourself to Get Up Using Your Technology OK, this is an easy one. If you have an alarm clock or use your cell phone as your alarm - put it across the room so you have to get up to get it when it goes up. The simple act of actually getting up and getting out of bed is much more powerful than staying in bed and hitting the snooze button. Try it. It works. 3.) Schedule Important Appointments of Meetings Early Another way to motivate yourself and get yourself going early is to schedule important appointments or meetings early in the day. This is actually a secret of the most successful. They plan their days the day before and tackle their most important tasks or meetings first thing in the morning when they are fresh and at their best. This also means they have to wake early and be prepared. This secret of planning your day the day before, and doing your most important tasks first, is one of the most powerful of high performers. Give it shot - it will change your life. Putting these simple hacks to work for you will make a huge difference in your productivity and success. Put them to use for you!
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