We've been having a lot of fun introducing Instagram to Misfit and our pics over the last week. Below we have put some of our favorite quotes with our thoughts on them for you. We hope they will inspire you and challenge you to succeed and thrive. Feel free to copy and share them! And follow Misfit on Instagram @MisfitEntrepreneur You can only get to new places if you grow yourself to be able to get there. Push yourself beyond your boundaries! No truer words have ever been spoken. If you are comfortable, you are complacent. Ever meet someone that seems to always successful and "lucky." What you probably don't see is all the time they put in in private to be prepared to act and take advantage of opportunities when they arise. We are the sum of the choices we make in our lives. Our choices dictate our path. You have choice in everything. Choose wisely. ![]() You cannot change the past, but you sure as hell can define the future. Focus on where you are going and how you are going to get there.... Failure is the right of passage to success. Embrace it. Don't dwell on it. Learn from it. And keep going... Fear and greed are powerful forces that affect everyone. Fear will keep you from acting when you should and cause you to miss the opportunities presented to you. It takes true courage to overcome fear...and we must overcome. ![]() Don't think that you have to re-invent the wheel. Whatever you are trying to accomplish or going through, others have been there before. Learn from them. Seek them out for their wisdom. This is why we advocate mentors and masterminding. In order to reach our potential, we have to come to grips with reality and see it for what it is. We must accept the truths we do not want to and then go to work in creating the life we want. What good does it do to worry or put time into things you have not control or ability to affect the outcome? We waste our valuable time and energy on these things. Instead focus on what you can control and affect the impact of...and let the others happen as they may, Bonus! This is for all the Misfit Entrepreneurs who get up every day and go to work making their dreams become reality! Now go out there and make it happen!
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January 2025
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