Dave Lukas Chats with Niajae Wallace148: Don’t Dull Your Shine – How to Live a True Life of Abundance with Niajae Wallace
This week’s Misfit Entrepreneur is Niajae Wallace. Niajae has an amazing story that I don’t want to spoil for you. But, let’s just say she started out with nothing and by age 19 had started her first business and the success grew from there. She had so much success that she was able to free herself to work when and how she wanted and now travels the world teaching people what it truly means to live an abundant life. This is going to be an interesting and possibly controversial episode, because we are not only going to talk about how to create your own abundant life, but we are going to discuss some major topics on what truly holds people back, especially in inner city and underprivileged areas. Niajae and I both have strong feelings about how to best help these areas and they are built on principles tested throughout time. I knew when we connected on this level and were able to discuss these topics, I had to have her on the show and share her wisdom with you. www.Niajae.com The Abundance Hack Podcast Show NotesNiajae was born in the Bronx to a single mom. Her dad didn’t know if she was his. As she says, she has the typical inner city single mom story where people expect her to have the stereotype of “daddy issues” and multiple kids by different fathers, government assistance, etc. But that is not the case. Niajae looked at her life and said, “This will not be my story…”
She buckled down and found a different mindset than those around her. She spent more time in the library while others were running the streets. She also found a mentor at SCORE which led to her starting her first business at 19. She learned a lot and 5 years later opened another business which she grew and was able to sell. This allowed her to transition to be fully remote and travel the world working where, when, and how she wants. She now focuses on teaching people how to shift out of the mindset of not falling victim to their circumstances and their upbringing. She helps them re-write and live their story. What does it mean to live and abundant life?
Is there a framework that you use or steps you coach people on to find the abundance of their life?
How do you coach people to push through and take the action needed to truly find abundance?
What was the hardest or darkest moment on your path to success? How did you overcome it and what did you learn from it?
At the 20 min mark, Niajae talks about her business that she sold…
What have you learned about business and life after selling the business, going remote, etc.?
At the 30 min mark, Niajae and I talk about a real problem – how to truly help those in the inner cities
Talk to us about victimology…
At the 46 min mark, Niajae talks about “upper limit problems” and for the first time how her relationship with her mom, and now her dad have been affected by her confronting things and choosing to succeed with no limits. This is a very powerful segment for anyone. Best QuoteTweet This: “We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Some people spend that time within 24 hours binge-watching Netflix while others spend that time building an empire. Which would you rather be?” |
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An Elite Group of Entrepreneurs will Spend Four Amazing Days at the Incredible Loews Coronado Bay Resort on Beautiful Coronado Island in San Diego, Ca, Where They Will Walk Away With the Tools they need to Grow to Completely New Levels, and Have a Transformational Life Experience that Will Create Lifelong Breakthroughs and One-of-a-Kind Relationships.
Will You be One of Them? Grow Thrive Revive was created by Dave Lukas and Evan Money to give 25 entrepreneurs a place to immerse themselves in a focused program designed to help them double their business or more in less than 12 months while enjoying an incredible life experience. The event is being held at the exclusive Loews Coronado Bay Resort Sept 19th - 22nd 2019. As a member of the Misfit audience, I want to give you $1000 off your registration and the ability to bring a guest for FREE. Just go to www.GrowThriveRevive.com and use the promo code Misfit1000. Hurry, the event will fill fast! |