Dave Lukas Chats with Jess Stewart336: Don’t Just Get it Done, Get it Done Right; How Jess Stewart Built an International Business from Her Kitchen Table
This week’s Misfit Entrepreneur is Jess Stewart. Jess was raised by a marine corps pilot on a cattle ranch where she learned the keys to running an entrepreneurial company; grit, hard work, and no complaining. Using her experience, years later, she grew up to create a massive medical billing company from her kitchen table that grew internationally. She sold the company for a 20x multiple allowing her to secure her financial freedom. She now devotes her time to sharing what she’s learned with other entrepreneur and coaching companies to success. She was recently highlighted in Kevin Harrington’s book, Cracking the Rich Code. I’ve asked her on to share how with no experience she built her company and to share how others can follow her footsteps as well her biggest lessons learned during her journey. www.Jess-Stewart.com Show NotesJess was raised on a cattle ranch and left when she was 18 to play Volleyball in college. She graduated and became a schoolteacher. But when she moved to a new town with her husband, she found there were no open teaching positions. So, she decided to start a business – a medical billing company out of her house. She didn’t know anything about medical billing, but she was good at solving problems, so she went to work learning. She grew for the first few years in her house, then opened her first office and things took off over the next 10 years growing nationally, then internationally until she sold the business.
At the 5 min minute mark, Jess explains why she chose to go into the medical billing space.
What are some of the best lessons you learned growing up on a cattle ranch that helped you succeed as an entrepreneur?
Take us through the journey of how you took your business from your kitchen table to international and ultimately a 20x exit.
At the 16 min mark, Jess talks about how she got to a point where she was tapped out and how to build a team and what she went through to do so.
At the 28 min mark, Jess talks about how being ahead of the times put them in perfect position to be the solution when government mandates to go electronic came along.
At the 40 min mark, Jess and I discuss what it takes for entrepreneurs to endure and make things happen and how Jess how to deal with burnout and find an operating system for the business. Best QuoteDon’t just get it done, get it done right. |
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