Dave Lukas Chats with Michele PW75: Stand in Your Power, The Secrets to Effective Copywriting with Michele PW
This week’s Misfit Entrepreneur is Michelle Parisa Wazek – also known as Michele PW. Michele is the copywriter to the stars. She has worked with everyone from Brian Tracy to Lisa Sasevich and over the last 8 years, her “love based” copy and marketing philosophy has sold nearly $50 million dollars in products and services. Michele is a best-selling author many times over, has appeared across countless media, and works with hundreds of clients throughout the world helping them to, as she says, “Build a business your love that loves you back.” But like many successful entrepreneurs, she does things differently and approaches her craft with a completely different view than the norm. She does it by employing love. When I first met Michele, I was incredibly intrigued with this approach, especially after hearing that it continues to generate millions of dollars annually. So, I asked her to come on the show and share her biggest secrets to help you find more success in your business. www.lovebasedbiz.com www.lovebasedbizblog.com Podcast: Love Based Money Show NotesEverything all started for Michele when she was 3 and taught herself to read to because she wanted to write books. Being a writer has been a driving influence throughout her life. When she got to college, she discovered “direct response” copywriting. She helps people sell one to many through her copywriting.
Connecting with people is of the most critical things for businesses today – What is most important fundamental thing people need to do to genuinely connect?
How does someone know they are hitting the mark? What are the people that are “doing well”…doing well?
At the 11-min mark, Michele answers the question, “What is Love-Based Copywriting?” and is so important to listen to what she says!
At the 15:30 mark, Michele give examples of what she has done with clients.
Copywriting is the same as salesmanship in print – how would you act if you were in front of someone looking in their eyes? At the 22 min mark, Michele give some great advice on selling. Pay attention where she talks about how clients and not you need to rescue themselves. Formula for a successful copywriting campaign?
Best ways to get feedback?
Common mistakes made in copywriting?
Tips for generating leads?
Biggest failure?
Recommended tools?
Best QuoteTweet This: “Don’t build your business on a foundation of fear…” |
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