Dave Lukas Chats with JV Crum III74: If You Miss Your Journey, You Miss Your Real Life with the Conscious Millionaire, JVCrum III
This week’s Misfit Entrepreneur is JV Crum III. JV probably needs no introduction. He is the best-selling author of the Conscious Millionaire and founder of the #1 rated podcast of the same name that has over 12 million listeners in almost 200 countries. JV became a self-made entrepreneur millionaire in his early 20’s. Aside from being a best-selling author and entrepreneur, he is a keynote speaker, certified business coach, attorney, and CEO of the Conscious Millionaire Institute, a global entrepreneur business coaching, training, and wealth product business. It didn’t start out like this for JV. Like many kids he grew up with a lot of financial uncertainty, he dreamed of a different life. He decided early on to become a millionaire. By the age of twenty-five, he had realized that dream and celebrated by purchasing a new luxury home on the water and his first Mercedes. He had the “American Dream”. Life was great, except for one thing. J V quickly realized that his childhood dream had not included the truly important parts of life, such as feeling a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment. Although he had all the trappings of wealth and success on the outside, he felt empty inside. This awareness led him to two decades of searching, which included reading extensively in the areas of both human potential and spirituality and it is the lessons from this journey and what has happened since that I have him to share with you in this interview. www.ConsciousMillionaire.com Free Gift: 3 Day Challenge Rapid Growth Formula with JV and Copy of the Book www.ConsciousMillionaire.com/RapidGrowth Show NotesJV grew up poor out in a little country town. He grew up swimming and fishing with a cane pole because he could not afford a real fishing rod. He started his first business at 4 years old selling juice on the corner to help his family out.
One day, he asked the question, “What is the solution to his family not having money?” his answer to himself was that he was going to be a millionaire. His mother told him not to tell anyone. His mother had the mindset that very wealthy people had done something wrong to get it and didn’t want him to grow up doing wrong. Nevertheless, he kept this goal and by his early 20’s had done it. He made his first million at 25 years old. But, soon after he started to realize that something was missing and went on a journey to find it. He had the money, had the things – but wasn’t happy. There was something more. He sold his companies and began a focus on doing something greater and having an impact. He lived in a monastery, went to places to do deep work on himself, and would bare his soul to the groups he worked with. He was told he had anger and he denied it for a while before finally working through it. At the 10 min mark, JV talks about how he arrived at doing something that really matters.
What is the most surprising thing you’ve learned about life and yourself? What truly matters?
At the 17 min mark, JV answers the question, “What does it mean to be conscious?” There are 3 definitions:
Pay special attention at the 23 Minute mark as JV discusses the 7 Habits from the Conscious Millionaire and the process of habits. This may be the most important part of the interview. The 7 Habits Are:
What is your formula for building wealth? JV uses a Rapid Growth Formula (he shares the first two that are foundational)
The secret to finding your purpose is to find out what the difference is that you really want to be making. Take some time to discover this and be very specific. Once you have this, then look at the skills that come to you so easily you can do them in your sleep. What are naturally good at? Knowing what you do really, well will help you know where to fill gaps.
Breaking Down Conscious, Focus, Action:
Best QuoteTweet This: “Normal people are busy fitting in where we are busy redefining.” |
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