Dave Lukas Chats with Brandon Fong238: Creating Magic Connections with the 7 Figure Millennial, Brandon Fong
This week’s Misfit Entrepreneur is Brandon Fong. What if I told you that at any point in time, you are one connection away from huge growth and success in your career or life? Just one connection. Would you believe me? Brandon does…because he has proven it – not just in his own life and businesses, but for the thousands he has helped realize this power in their own lives and businesses. Brandon is the founder of 7 Figure Millennial. He’s been featured in Fast Company, became the youngest member of the Genius Network with Joe Polish and elite millionaires at age 22, and has helped build multiple 7-Figure marketing operations. He teaches people how to deeply connect and develop real, authentic, and meaningful relationships with people – virtually. In the current climate we are operating in as entrepreneurs, this skill is invaluable, so I asked Brandon to come on the show and share all of his secrets with you. 7 Figure Millennial Podcast Brandon-Fong.com Magic Connection Method Gift: BFO.NG/Misfit Show NotesBrandon’s entrepreneurship journey started in middle school. Each day when he went to pay for his launch, when he went to pay, on the screen it would say $0. The reason being is because he qualified for the school lunch program because his family was very challenged financially. It frustrated him and drove him never to have that problem. His parents did everything they could to nurture this in him and taught that many times success comes from being resourceful. And you can be insanely resourceful if you know how to connect with people.
His parents would let him skip school at 16 to go to networking events to meet, learn from, and connect with successful people. Every time Brandon has leveled up in his life has been because of someone he has met and connected with. He also learned to prioritize health, happiness, and relationships alongside money. Talk to us about being just one connection away and how real that is for people…
Tell us about the Magic Connection Method. How does it work?
You’ve said you can help entrepreneurs uncover $100k+ in their backyard, explain more on this…
Talk to us about the steps you take in a business to create a world marketing program?
What are some of your best practices for how to build lists and find good leads?
What’s the #1 piece of advice for a new entrepreneur starting out?
At the 40 min mark, Brandon talks about prioritizing happiness, health, and relationships. Best Quote
Misfits, I know you’ve heard of Uber before. You’ve probably used the service a number of times. You trust Uber as a way to request rides and order meals from restaurants you love, but did you know about Uber’s platform designed specifically for businesses?
Over 160,000 companies use Uber for Business to improve customer and employee satisfaction. In fact, the benefits of Uber for Business are a great way to keep employees engages and customers happy…and standout. Are you having a hard time getting people to show up or stay engaged in virtual team meetings or events? With vouchers from Uber for Business, you can add $20 to their personal Uber accounts, so they can easily order meals through Uber Eats before the meeting. Want to make your customers love your business even more? Offer them a Voucher for a free meal or ride when they make their first purchase or spend a certain amount. Any company can sign up for FREE, and immediately start delivering extra value to the people who matter most to their business. The Vouchers are simple to send and to redeem. Your business has total control over who gets them, when they expire, and what portion of the ride or meal you want to cover. Vouchers are shared via email or text, and can be redeemed with a single tap. Best of all, you only pay for rides they take or meals they order. And right now, Uber for Business is offering Misfit listeners a$50 voucher credit when you spend your first $200 in vouchers. Just go to Uber.com/Misfit to learn more. |
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