Dave Lukas Chats with Steve Olsher79: You are Never Out of the Game, Lessons from America’s Reinvention Expert, Steve Olsher
This week’s Misfit Entrepreneur is Steve Olsher. Steve is known as america’s reinvention expert. He has done it all. From being one of the early web entrepreneurs in the 90’s to creating massive real estate deals to being a best-selling author, top influencer and radio personality – there is little that has he as not accomplished. I’ve gotten know Steve well over the last year and was even honored to attend and present at his New Media summit. But, like many entrepreneurs, how Steve got to where he is full of twists, turns, and incredible lessons on how to succeed and win in life. He’s helped tens of thousands of people all over the world recognize and maximize their “what,” their singular gift that they can use to turn their dreams into reality. Steve is known as Mr. Bold and after our time together today, I think you’ll understand why. www.SteveOlsher.com www.ReinventionRadio.com Get a FREE copy of Steve's #1 NYT Bestselling book at www.WhatisYourWhat.com Show NotesSteve says he got to being where he is by being a Misfit. His journey has been full missteps in a lot of ways. It these missteps that he credits with getting him where he is at.
At the 6 min mark, Steve tells the story of how he started in the web in the early 90’s creating some of the first online stores and secured the domain Liquor.com. In 1998, he bought Liquor.com for $7500 which was a good amount of money for web address back then. By March 2000, they were doing millions in sales and were ready to IPO the company. It was bad timing as the markets literally crashed and by this time, Steve had signed away the bulk of his control to Wall Street. He gave up his management rights. And then when the company couldn’t go public, he was stuck holding the bag with his hand completely tied. After 9 years of hard work, he walked away from everything. In 2005/2006, he tracked down the domain and convinced the owner and get it back after a long process and reclaim it. He then put it up for sale and got an offer for $4.25 million, which he took, only to have to buyer default after a couple payments. So, he took the domain and rebuilt the company around it to what it is today. He uses this as a lesson that if you stay the course and pursue your goal, it will eventually work out. It may not work out as you planned, but it will work out for you. At 13 min mark, Steve tells the story of how he got into the real estate markets. After walking away from Liqour.com, he got into real estate development. He would buy older buildings, refurbish them, and then turn them into different types of developments and did it up to 2008/2009. Once everything imploded in that world, he had to give properties back to the bank, go through litigation for over 5 years, and lost almost everything. You can reinvent your life on a dime. You must answer the core question of “What is your what?”
How does someone get the true answer of their “what?”
What is the most important thing you’ve learned about how to succeed along the way? What is the most important thing you’ve learned about yourself?
Other advice?
Best advice to succeed and build a business today?
Thoughts on creating and maximizing a niche?
Steve uses a great example of niche in this section starting at the 41 minute mark Best tips to grow an audience and get found?
Final advice?
Best QuoteTweet This: “Don't live for a day in the future that may never arrive...” |
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