Dave Lukas Chats with Ed Hajim427: From Orphan to Wall Street CEO, Ed Hajim’s Inspiring Journey of Resilience and Success
This week’s Misfit Entrepreneur is Ed Hajjim. Ed is a long-time Wall Street executive and entrepreneur with over 50 years of experience. Most people that hear his origin story are amazed that he ended up where he has. But, in reality, Ed has one of the best stories that is the truest testament to the American Dream and what is possible that I have ever heard. And I’m excited for him to share it today. But first, I mentioned 50 years’ experience. Here is a little bit of Ed’s pedigree… Ed has held senior management positions with the Capital Group, E.F. Hutton and Lehman Brothers before becoming chairman and CEO of Furman Selz. He was the co-chairman of ING Barings, Americas Region; chairman and CEO of ING Aeltus Group and ING Furman Selz Asset Management; and chairman and CEO of MLH Capital. Presently, he is chairman of High Vista, a Boston-based money management company. In 2008, after 20 years as a trustee of the University of Rochester, he began an eight-year tenure as chairman of the university’s board. Upon assuming that office, he gave the school $30 million—the largest single donation in its history—to support scholarships and endow the Edmund A. Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Through his Family Foundation, he has made generous donations to organizations that promote education, health care, arts, culture and conservation. Ed is the author of several books including, the Road Less Traveled: An Unlikely Journey from the Orphanage to the Boardroom. And I’m excited to squeeze as much wisdom as I can from him in our time together in this episode. https://www.edhajim.com/ Show NotesEd was born during the Great Depression, and his early life was filled with challenges. At just three years old, he was kidnapped by his father, who told him his mother had died. He spent his childhood bouncing between foster homes and orphanages, often feeling abandoned. Despite these hardships, Ed never gave up. He worked hard in school, earned scholarships, and went on to study at the University of Rochester, where he graduated with a degree in chemical engineering. He later joined the Navy, which played a big role in shaping his discipline and leadership. Afterward, Ed attended Harvard Business School and, despite starting out with significant debt, he climbed the ranks in the finance world. He became a successful Wall Street executive and entrepreneur, later giving back with a record $30 million donation to the University of Rochester.
What kept you on the straight and narrow during all that time?
A lot of people face disadvantages, but you turned them into advantages. How did you do that?
You mentioned mindset and conditioning. How does that influence people's success?
What are some of the most valuable lessons you’ve learned in your career in finance that translate well to entrepreneurship and life?
What are some important qualities of effective leadership?
What are some timeless investment principles?
How did your experience in the Navy influence your success in business and life?
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Misfit Entrepreneurs!
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