Dave Lukas Chats with Robert and Kay Lee Fukui439: Build a Thriving Business & Marriage, Robert & Kay Lee Fukui’s Strategies for Entrepreneurs
This week’s Misfit Entrepreneurs are Robert and Kay Fukui. Robert and Kay are former fortune 500 standouts, who saw an opportunity to help married entrepreneurs and business owners create harmony between the rigorous demands of building a business and maintaining a healthy, happy thriving marriage. Their company, Couples by Design teaches entrepreneurs and business owners and their spouses how have it all – a thriving business and marriage by helping them better understand themselves, each other, and how to support each other in business and at home. We all know the challenges of being responsible for a business and working to maintain a good environment at home, but the stats don’t lie. Some estimates suggest that up to 48% entrepreneurs get divorced. That is way too high and a big problem, because speaking from experience, it is a lot easier to succeed as an entrepreneur, when you have good support at home from your spouse. So, I had to have Robert and Kay on the show to share how you can thrive in this area of your life. https://marriedentrepreneur.co/misfit Show NotesRobert grew up in a third-generation entrepreneurial family where his dad worked six days a week. Because his father was rarely home and finances were still tight, he realized that simply working more hours doesn’t automatically lead to better financial outcomes or a happier life. He also saw in the corporate world how many high-achievers sacrificed their health and family in pursuit of career success—and decided he wanted to do things differently.
Kay Lee’s father was a pastor, which, much like running a business, meant long hours and demands that left little family time. Both she and Robert experienced firsthand how a strong work ethic—without proper boundaries—can strain relationships. Later, as Robert embarked on a corporate career (starting with Coca-Cola and then pharmaceuticals), he noticed how some leaders managed to balance a successful career with quality family life. This inspired him to figure out how to combine business success with strong personal relationships. When Robert began consulting for business owners, he kept hearing the same frustrations about strained marriages and family life. Seeing the “elephant in the room” that nobody seemed to address—how to run a business without sacrificing marriage—they launched Couples by Design. Together, they now help married entrepreneurs and business owners create harmony between the demands of building a business and maintaining a thriving marriage. What are the Core Principles of Couples by Design with Regard to Balancing Business and Home Life?
What is the Number-One Area Entrepreneurs and Their Spouses Struggle with, and Why?
How Can Couples Better Resolve Conflict Once the Doom Loop of Arguing Starts?
What Are Other Common Pitfalls for Married Couples in Business?
How Does Mindset and Conditioning Factor into All of This?
What Are Some of the Best Daily Habits Couples Should Practice?
What Are the Advantages of Being Married and Running a Business Together?
What Advice Would You Give to New Entrepreneur Couples Starting Out?
Best Quote
Misfit Entrepreneurs!
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